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Unlocking Growth in the Asia Pacific Recruitment Market: A Data-Driven Analysis of Luxury Retail, Cosmetics, and Watch & Jewellery Industries for H2 2024

As we embark on the second half of 2024, the Asia Pacific recruitment market is witnessing unprecedented growth, particularly in the luxury retail, cosmetics, and watch & jewellery sectors. With the region's GDP projected to grow by 5.2% in 2024, according to the International Monetary Fund, businesses must develop data-driven strategies to attract and retain top talent in this highly competitive landscape.

In Hong Kong, the luxury retail sector is expected to experience a remarkable 9.5% growth in H2 2024, with sales projected to reach HKD 95 billion (USD 12.2 billion). This growth is driven by the city's status as a global luxury hub and its ability to attract high-net-worth individuals from mainland China and beyond. To capitalize on this growth, companies must invest in building a strong employer brand and offer competitive compensation packages, with the average annual salary for a luxury retail manager expected to reach HKD 850,000 (USD 109,000) by the end of 2024.

China, the world's second-largest economy, is expected to maintain its dominance in the luxury retail, cosmetics, and watch & jewellery markets, with a projected market share of 58% in H2 2024. The country's luxury goods market is expected to grow by 12% in 2024, reaching CNY 1.2 trillion (USD 186 billion), according to Bain & Company. To succeed in this highly competitive market, businesses must develop a deep understanding of Chinese consumer preferences and invest in local talent acquisition teams. The average annual salary for a senior marketing manager in the luxury sector is expected to reach CNY 800,000 (USD 124,000) by the end of 2024.

Southeast Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, are emerging as the new growth engines for luxury retail, cosmetics, and watch & jewellery. With a combined projected market share of 20% in H2 2024, these countries are expected to see a 15% growth in the luxury goods market, reaching USD 25 billion by the end of 2024. To tap into this growth, companies must develop culturally sensitive recruitment strategies and invest in local talent. The average annual salary for a regional sales director in the luxury sector is expected to reach SGD 250,000 (USD 186,000) in Singapore by the end of 2024.

The cosmetics industry in the Asia Pacific region is expected to witness a staggering 18% growth in H2 2024, with sales projected to reach USD 140 billion. This growth is driven by the increasing demand for premium skincare products, the rise of e-commerce, and the influence of social media on consumer behavior. To stay ahead of the curve, companies must recruit talent with expertise in digital marketing, data analytics, and product innovation. The average annual salary for a digital marketing manager in the cosmetics industry is expected to reach USD 90,000 in Japan and USD 85,000 in South Korea by the end of 2024.

The watch & jewellery sector in the Asia Pacific region is expected to grow by 7% in H2 2024, with sales projected to reach USD 65 billion. The increasing popularity of luxury smartwatches and the growing demand for sustainable and ethically sourced jewellery are driving this growth. To succeed in this market, companies must focus on recruiting talent with expertise in product design, customer experience, and supply chain management. The average annual salary for a product development manager in the watch & jewellery sector is expected to reach USD 120,000 in Hong Kong and USD 110,000 in Singapore by the end of 2024.

As the Asia Pacific recruitment market continues to evolve and present new opportunities, companies must remain agile, data-driven, and committed to building a diverse and inclusive workforce. By leveraging market insights, investing in digital transformation, and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning, businesses can attract and retain the best talent in these dynamic industries. We encourage our readers to share their thoughts and experiences on the recruitment market outlook for H2 2024 in the comments section below, and to visit our website at for more information on recruitment trends and collaboration opportunities in the Asia Pacific region.




中國作為全球第二大經濟體,預計將繼續喺奢侈品零售、化妝品同鐘錶珠寶市場保持主導地位,2024年下半年嘅預計市場份額為58%。根據Bain & Company嘅報告,中國嘅奢侈品市場預計將喺2024年增長12%,達到1.2萬億元人民幣(1,860億美元)。為咗喺呢個競爭激烈嘅市場取得成功,企業必須深入了解中國消費者嘅喜好,並投資發展本地人才招聘團隊。到2024年底,奢侈品行業高級市場營銷經理嘅平均年薪預計將達到80萬元人民幣(12.4萬美元)。





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